Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thinking about making changes

My car has a new tire, but the transmission is still doing odd things. Right now I am driving it with the overdrive off, which seems to help. However, at some point it is going to die and then what do I do? Can't exactly walk 35 miles to work. Driving the Suburban, well, what's the point? I would be working for nothing but the gas to go back and forth.

I have come across a work at home agency that seems legitimate. It is called Alpine Access, and they do customer service call center work from home. Yeah, I know, not exactly what I wanted to get back into but I do have quite a bit of experience at it, and working at home would be a big plus. Not much flexibility, although from what I've read a more set schedule than what I'm currently doing which would be a BIG plus.

Shayna is now back down here. All of a sudden two days ago she came onto Yahoo Messenger and said she wanted to come back down here, she just couldn't take it up there any more. She was nervous about whether she had enough gas to make it (and WE sure didn't have any way to help if it turned out she didn't) but in the end she did and got here about 1 am this morning. So now that she is here, Ray could certainly look for a job as having someone here for Destiny is no longer a problem. If he could get one making the same as I'm making at Walmart, I would definitely try for the at home work. It would sure make doing things around here easier.


Quintin said...

Hope things are going better for you and your family. Hang in there!

Quintin said...

OOOPs didn't know my grandson had signed in. Its me Peggy from Hidden Haven