Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Keep a sense of humor

First, the good. This is a picture of Drew and Andrea on their wedding day, in the chapel in Las Vegas. Good looking guy, isn't he? Looks just like his Mom LOL.

The rest of today didn't go so great. On my way to work, I just get on I-24 and BLAM goes my left front tire. Now, my spare is no great shakes, either. It's one of those stupid donut things they give you these days, and has been used enough that it's shot. But it's all I have, so there I am on the side of the interstate changing my tire.

A very nice state trooper stopped and helped. This one actually helped, not like the one who stopped the one time and sat behind me with his lights going, watching me change the tire in the dark, in the rain, in my whites. He seemed a little surprised, though, that I actually knew what I was doing. It's changing a tire, for heaven's sake, not brain surgery. How hard can it be? Of course, this is far enough South that there's the "don't get your hands dirty, little lady" mentality.

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